Dr. Roesner and I met several years ago in what started as a professional relationship and later became a lifetime friendship due to her extremely caring and supportive nature, as well as her determination to guide me through a very difficult and life changing family situation.

Since our association was not related to academics, but rather, to the areas of family, personal relationships and life coaching, I can speak very positively about her ability to sift through very emotionally charged family issues to get to the crux of the situation and make clear and concise appraisals and recommendations that generated positive outcomes for me and my family while maintaining objectivity throughout.

Her assessments and recommended plan of action helped to deescalate what I felt had become an unmanageable situation and encouraged me to persevere through a protracted resolution process. Throughout our association, Dr. Roesner always made me feel like I had a team on my side working to help me reach a positive outcome. I was confident that she always gave me the full measure of her knowledge, experience, resourcefulness, and keen insight into child and family issues which, in the end, made a significant and measurable difference in my situation.

Dr. Roesner has my highest recommendation and best wishes for continued success.

Steve G.




I started to work on my senior project about the “Benefits of Taekwondo for Children” in 2012 when I was still a junior at Maryknoll High School on Oahu, Hawaii.  Before I could present my final project in March of 2013, I had to do a lot of research about my topic.  I knew that Petra has studied how Taekwondo practice can help character development, and I asked her if she would help me with my project.  During that time, she has taught me how to research for proper sources to use, how to outline the written portions of the project, to make them interesting for others to read and to make sure that the content of my written work and final presentation flew nicely for my teachers and others to follow.

Most of all, Petra has kept me very motivated during this long process and she really believed in me and that I could actually put to paper what I as a 3rd degree black belt in Taekwondo thought, that Taekwondo has benefits for children.  Petra has also been great and responsive to what my needs for this project were and she really cared not only about the project, but also about me during this time. So, I would like to say, “Thank you Petra” for helping me with my senior project.  My teachers liked the presentation and I am thankful and glad that I have a friend like you who was there to teach and give me knowledge about the Benefits of Taekwondo for Children.

Giselle Agsalud



Petra has accompanied me in my dissertation process for a about one year now.  I am very impressed by her level of focus and understanding of my needs, and most of all, by her ability to keep me focused and motivated during this rather lengthy process.

Petra is exceptionally knowledgeable about writing style and assured that my dissertations’ content is relevant and meaningful to what I am trying to accomplish.  Her coaching has been exceptionally timely and responsive, meeting my needs to move forward, especially during the many times that I thought I could not move forward.

Petra’s understanding of research ethics is excellent as are her critical thinking skills.  Most of all, I have appreciated her enthusiasm to help others succeed academically and doing so with a great sense of humor while knowing that there will be times that I felt very frustrated – yet, she was able to keep me on track to continue.

I think having Petra as my coach/consultant has been very valuable and I would recommend her to anybody in school or university who has a hard time putting their ideas on paper or simply to anybody who has a problem getting started with their projects in the first place.

VJ Coleman


I strongly recommend Petra to any graduate student facing the daunting task of writing a thesis or doctoral dissertation.
While I was in the dissertation process I encountered many difficulties and was faced with the challenge to change the emphasis of my dissertation multiple times due to circumstances beyond my control, such has having multiple mentors as well as changed academic requirements in this process.

Despite all the turmoil I experienced, Dr. Roesner  helped to keep me grounded and provided me with responsive and timely suggestions on how to move forward and my committee members have commented positively to my work. In addition, the APA editing was simply the best I have seen.

Thanks to Petra, my dissertation meets the high standards required by my university and has reduced my stress level dramatically. Focused Solutions Consulting is more than just a coaching service and the word mentoring does not even begin to cover the assistance they provide to students – their services go above and beyond: they do not just help academically, they motivate and encourage and truly care.

It is money well spent to hire a professional organization that produces such outstanding results and I would recommend Petra anyone facing challenges – from those in high school to those in higher education.

Alessandra Tavares, PhD


Petra was an incredible resource to help our adjust and develop during my husband’s deployment. Having been a military wife for many years herself, she was able to relate to our experiences and the initial difficulties we experienced adjusting to new and changed routines with a parent absent. Petra offered keen insight and wonderful idea about how to navigate deployments in a manner that allowed us to explore new things and develop a routine that was manageable for the parent left behind. Additionally, Petra was able to address some separation issues that my son experienced in a pro-active way, alleviating many worries and concerns of mine. Petra’s friendly nature, her willingness to listen, and mostly, her empathy and understanding of others and compassion towards them is remarkable. I would recommend Petra as a coach to anyone who needs some help parenting, especially when a parent is deployed and anyone who just might need the “little outside voice” when are getting touch in families.

Debbie K.


While homeschooling a bullied teen, I decided that adding some martial arts training to the mix would help build confidence and self esteem. Ms. Petra not only trained my homeschooler but also encouraged me to train as well. Working out together helped build the relationship between my child and I. The benefits of martial arts training are so numerous and Ms. Petra always worked with where we were at. We were pushed but never to the point of breaking. Ms. Petra is an excellent teacher, listener, and advocate for personal growth. Highly recommend her services!