Q: Is coaching like going to therapy?
A: No, therapy focuses on the past and helps to work through past experiences and
explore diagnosed problems and also help with approaches to deal with those
problems. Therapy is also more structured than coaching and takes place at regular
Q: How is coaching different than therapy?
A: In general terms, coaching focuses on the present status and help individuals set goals for the future. Coaching is more like a partnership/relationship in which the partners
collaborate to fund solutions to overcome ‘road blocks’ or obstacles that prevent
individuals, families, and students to move towards their goals.
Q: Will you be using therapy on me?
A: In general terms, no. However, given my past professional background and my
knowledge in working in therapeutic settings with children and families, I may,
depending on the situation, incorporate some approaches that might help you (and your
family) reach your goals.
Q: Will you tell me what to do?
A: No, because you are the expert in your life and as such my role would more of a
facilitator that helps you identify where you are and where you want to be and
helping you design a customized plan that outlines steps for you to move forward.
Q: Will you keep what I tell you confidential?
A: Yes, unless there are reporting requirements mandated by laws or you are in danger
of harming yourself and others.
Q: If there is something you can’t help me with, what will you do?
A: If we identify some underlying issue that will require a more “expert opinion,” I will
direct you towards this.
Q: Will you diagnose me with something and help me with issues from the past?
A: In general terms, no, our focus is not helping to alleviate what happened in the past, it is just on the present and future. If I, during the course of our partnership and
collaboration, should identify some issues that may require a more in-depth therapeutic approach, I will discuss this with you. This however does not mean that your past is off limits, because the past is what made you.
Q: If needed, will be able and willing to also apply some therapeutic help?
A: Yes, absolutely, there is no reason not to do this if that is what you feel is right for you.
Academic and Executive Function Coaching
Q: I keep on hearing the term ‘academic coaching.’ What is it?
A: Students these days experience many stressors in their lives that might leave them
distracted from accomplishing what they need to do to succeed. As a coach,
I can help students (and their families) identify what is important and I can also help
to structure a positive environment that helps students on how to manage their tasks.
Q: What is executive function coaching?
A: This type of coaching focuses mainly on life skills that keeps students on task, for
example, setting priorities, time management, organizational skills, solving problems
Q: My child(ren) is easily distracted and overwhelmed, can you help?
A: Yes, I can help your child(ren) learn self-management skills or executive function skills.
In this case, I will “enlist” the parents in the process as well, because helping a child
succeed in school in life is usually a collaborative process.
Q: I am parent of a middle and high school student at times I feel I am losing it,
can you help me feel less alone and help me help my child?
A: You are not alone and yes, I can help you find creative ways to help you help your child
and keep him or her on track all the while we will work on less parent involvement and
increased student responsibly.
Grief Coaching and Anticipatory Grief Coaching
Q: I have lost a loved one in the recent past and can’t seem to move forward, can you
A: Yes. Experiencing a loss is a significant life event that requires attention to be able
to move forward. Grief is as individual as the grieving individual is. There is no right
or wrong way to move forward. I can assist you in helping to identify grief issues
and work with you to mitigate the effects of the loss.
Q: I want to move forward with but I am afraid I will forget the person who passed.
A: That is a very common concern among bereaved individuals. I can help you find ways
keep positive memories alive while you make new ones for yourself without forgetting
your loved one who passed.
Q: A loved one has dementia/Alzheimers, I think my loved one has gone already, what can you do to help me?
A: Anticipatory grief when dealing with a loved one who has a debilitating condition is
very normal. I can help you identify how to deal with the loss of the person who has
changed and also help you as you prepare for the inevitable.
Q: Will you be using therapeutic approaches to help me overcome my grief?
A: It all depends on where you are in the grieving process. Once we meet, I will evaluate
where you are and then we develop a plan to help you move forward using different and
appropriate coaching for you. You know your life the best and you are the expert, I will
take an “invetory” with you and then help you articulate your goals and find the steps
needed in between to get you there.
Military Family Coaching
Q: My spouse is gone (again) and I cannot get into a routine by myself at the moment, how can you help me?
A: Adjusting to a “new normal” for a few months takes a bit of time, however, routines are
important especially if you are a temporary single parent. I can help you to adjust to
your new reality with some ideas for you and your child(ren) to make life a bit easier
for you.
Q: Since my spouse has left, I struggle with keeping things together, what can you do?
A: I will take an inventory of your routine as a couple and help you establish goals for
yourself and most importantly, help you with self-care, that often gets a bit neglected
when you are doing it all by yourself.
Q: My child(ren) are very upset because my spouse is gone, can you help fill the void?
A: Although I cannot take over the role that your spouse has in your life, I do understand
the void, because I have been there many times. I can help you come up with some
great plans for the family that not only fill the void but also provide some fun and
learning activities for all of you. However, I will always be there to listen!