It is true, Live Hawaii and the spirit of Aloha does make the difference

Here is the link to a nice blog written by someone from the US Mainland resides in Hawaii. we have lived Hawaii (yes, that is how you say it there) for eight years.  Living Aloha, with that, “talk story” is part of daily life there, just like the author of this article said.  It is about making connections and getting […]

Culture and Travel

Perhaps travel cannot prevent bigotry, but by demonstrating that all peoples  cry, laugh, eat, worry, and die, it can introduce the idea that if we try and  understand each other, we may even become friends.   Maya Angelou With these words of wisdom, we have decided to also just write about things we like, our travels and explorations of different cultures. […]


Never in my previous life would I have thought to visit this small island alongside the Eastern coast of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia – it just happened that my husband was stationed there and we decided to visit him. So myself and sons set out to fly there.  Although I was traveling by myself with two children, immigration at […]