Just some thoughts on the Novel Corona Virus

one of the reasons that this is going on in Italy is because they thought it was the flu, treated it as such and thought the virus would behave like the flu. There is a reason this thing is called “novel” corana Virus / Covid 19, because it is novel. The flu has been around for more than 100 years, we know and we have vaccines and most people have developed an immunity to that. With Covid 19, we don’t have any of that and a vaccine is at least months out, by the most estimates. Also, the death rate globally for this new phenomenon is about 3.4 %, which is much higher than than the flu. So, everyone, wash your hands, practice not touching your face, keep distance and be vocal about it, cut down your fingernails and clean those often. Also remember, there are many immunocompromised people around you, they depend on YOU to be able to stay healthy. Here is another thought to keep up with hand cleaning guidelines: consider yourself infected with who knows what at any time and you can keep others healthy. If you feel sick, isolate yourself as much as you can and also clean surfaces in the house regularly and don’t forget to clean your cell phone and don’t forget to use barriers when open doors, like tissues, and wipe down your wheel in the car after leaving stores etc. Also, don’t lick envelopes while thinking about the virus as something that can affect 10 people after one of your actions. When you go to the store, use an antiseptic wipe and wipe off whatever part of the cart you may touch, get a second wipe to create a barrier between yourself and items you will buy and touch and continue to use this barrier until you are in your home to wash your hands. These are simple things that sadly, most of us have no been doing in the past but we need to do them now, I mean, three weeks ago. Also, you can make a bleach/water 1/9 solution and put into spray bottle to use to wipe down surfaces in your home. This is a community issue and I really believe it will slow down the spread. Over and out for now.