Thoughts on reflecting on one’s own Taekwondo journey

 It is not by muscle, speed, or physical dexterity that great things are achieved, but by reflection, force of character, and judgment.  – Marcus Tullius Cicero  A little while ago I posted “Thoughts about moving beyond just teaching Taekwondo – Mentoring novice and junior ranking students,” suggesting that those who teach or mentor Taekwondo students should be engaged in a […]

Good News – Taekwondo can also provide benefits in the cognitive domain

A recent study by van Dijk, Huijts, and Lodder (2013) studied whether or not Taekwondo can improve cognitive functioning in volunteers over the age of 40.  The background for this study was that as individuals age, they do experience declines in various domains of their lives, e.g. dementia and disabilities.  It is commonly believed that physical exercise can have positive […]