Being a student of Taekwondo and learning the art is a life-style, the life-style of a well-rounded, well-mannered person that has strong values to live by, as expressed in the tenets courtesy, integrity, perseverance, self-control and indomitable spirit and any other values that the student holds dear.
Just like in school, at work or in a store or public library, there are specific rules and expectations for student behaviors. These rules and expectation honor the long standing traditions of ancient martial arts warriors and they ensure that training is respectful and structured and that students show discipline while they are training and most of all, that students can take what they learn inside their dojang into their lives.
No matter where we practice and learn Taekwondo, be it a dojang, the beach, a yard, etc., students and their parents should remember that Taekwondo is about teaching discipline that will serve every student as a life skill.
– Please be one time for your class. If you cannot avoid being late, please let your
instructor know that you will be late. When you enter the dojang, do so respectfully by
bowing when you enter and asking for permission to step on the mat and follow what
your instructor tells you to do
– Do not wear shoes on the mat / training area, unless they are approved Taekwondo
– Bow when you enter and leave the training area every single time
– Ask your instructors permission to leave the mat
– When you practice with a partner, bow at the beginning and end of each exercise and
shake hands with your training partner and say “thank you”
– While I want us to “talk story” during our warm ups, after that, please avoid excessively
loud talking and laughing. While I strongly encourage friendship and good sportsman-
like relationships and friendship among students, lessons are time limited and I want for
you to be able to make the most of that time
– avoid talking with those who are not on the training mat, unless you are on a brief break
– Only leave the training area when your instructor(s) allows you to do so.
– Address all senior black belts with Sir/Ma’am, or use Mr. (name) or Ms. (name) when
speaking to them
– Address any adults that you are training with with Sir or Ma’am, or Mr. and Ms. (name)
even if they are junior in rank to you
When students line up, they do so in rank (from right left, front to back)
No bad words or actions are allowed
– Please help and encourage students that might have difficulties or a hard time,
especially when you are higher ranking and you “have been in their shoes”
– Don’t be afraid to ask questions when you do not understand a particular skill, like in
school, please raise your hand so I can address you
– Practice patience when learning Taekwondo
– as you instructor, I have been learning the art for quite a while. while it is encouraged to
ask questions, don’t question the instructor
– Wait your turn
– Only practice the skills that are appropriate for your belt level
Give your best at all times!
Live and role model the tenets of Taekwondo
Most of all – have fun!